Stroopwafeltje - Waffles

Waffles is the mascot of the Dutch brony community, so for BroniesNL as well as PonyCon Holland. In Dutch he is called Stroopwafeltje.
Waffles is always in the mood for some fun. He loves parties and games, but sometimes he can be a bit chaotic. When he is not busy with hosting conventions, meet-ups or parties, Waffles works in a bakery. His favorite product is of course the famous stroopwafel.

Poffertje works in the same bakery as Waffles. She heard how much fun he had at PonyCon Holland 2021 and decided she wanted a piece of that. She has been helping Waffles with organizing the activities at PCH since 2022.
Poffertje is quite small but don't let her height deceive you. She very much knows what she's doing.
Fan Brush

Fan Brush is the creative mind of the gang. No convention can do without artists and after seeing how many wonderful things were created for PCH 2021, the decision was quickly made: "I need to be a part of that!"