You don't need Friends in High Places to watch these musicians live, as the Low Countries have invited PrinceWhateverer & Deus back to Ponycon Holland 2023!
PrinceWhateverer is a Brony from the United Kingdom who has been making music for the fandom since 2011 and is well known for his Pony-themed rock and metal music. And he’s back to rock the stage during PonyCon Holland 2023! PrinceWhateverer has scored numerous hits within the brony fandom with songs like “Elemental”, “Ghost in the Sun”, “Pinkie’s Parties” and his most recent song “Hypa Hypa“. Aside from making his own songs, PrinceWhateverer has collaborated with many of the fandom’s talented musicians. And he won’t be alone on the stage during PonyCon Holland 2023. He will be accompanied by Ðeus who will be playing the bass guitar during PrinceWhateverer’s set. Ðeus is mainly known for having been the chairman of Galacon for several years but has also been the bassist for PrinceWhateverer’s live performances for several conventions including, Eponafest & Everfree Encore
I hope you all are as Hypa as we are to have Princewhateverer & Deus perform at PCH 2023 So come join us in Solidarity with Prince as we party like it's 2013!