Written by Annenas


Published on May 17, 2020

Baking dutch Stroopwafels with Waffles

After nagging for weeks we finally convinced Waffles to write down his special recipe into a pictorial so everyone can make his delicious treats from home. So get your waffle irons out and let's start the baking without further ado!

Necessary equipment

  • A very flat waffle iron. This type of iron is commonly named a “ice cream cone” waffle maker.
  • 2 saucepans (one big, one small).
  • A big bowl.
  • Pinkie Pie’s enthousiasme and Rainbow Dash’s nerve.



  • 500 g / 4 cups flour
  • 250 g / 1 ⅛ cups melted butter
  • 150 g / ¾ cup light brown sugar
  • 1 packet of yeast
  • 1 dash of cinnamon
  • 1 dash of salt
  • 75 mL / ⅓ cup milk
  • 1 egg

Notes: The world will not explode when normal sugar is used instead of light brown sugar. On most packets of yeast there will be noted in how much flour is needed. So get a packet of yeast for 500 g flour.

Stroop (Caramel-syrup)

  • 250 g / 1¼ cups sugar
  • 40 ml / 2,5 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 40 g / 2 tablespoons sugar syrup
  • 1 dash of cinnamon
  • 112 g / ½ cup butter

Notes: The sugar syrup can be a wild variety of things: Glucose syrup, honey, apple treacle etc. As long as it is very viscous in texture and sweet, it will work.

Preparing the Waffle-dough

Step 1

Add all of the dry ingredients (flour, light brown sugar, yeast, cinnamon and salt) in a bowl and whisk them together.

Dry ingredients

Step 2

Melt butter and add the milk to the butter. Let the mixture cool down to just above body temperature (very important, yeast will be killed with a too high temperature).

Step 3

Add the butter/milk mixture and an egg to the dry ingredients and loosely mix together until most liquid is absorbed.

Step 4

Knead the mixture until it forms a solid dough. Let it rest for about an hour so the yeast can do its job. This is a good time to start on the stroop!

Making the syrup that will turn your waffle into a stroopwaffle

Notes: Be extremely careful with boiling sugar, it is much hotter than boiling water and very sticky. If you get this on your skin, you will get severe burns. This part of the recipe requires adult supervision and is not suitable for kids or the motorly compromised.

Step 1

Add a very small amount of the sugar to a big saucepan. The bottom of the pan should barely be covered.

Step 2

Turn on the heat to medium-low. Let the sugar slowly melt.

Step 3

Add more sugar when it is completely melted. Carefully move the pan to mix the melted sugar with the unmelted sugar. Remember, this is extremely hot! Repeat this progress until all the sugar is melted and caramelized. Make sure that new sugar is immediately added after the previous batch has melted, to stop the melted sugar from burning.

Step 4

Add the butter, sugar syrup, heavy cream and cinnamon in another small saucepan and let them slowly melt together while you keep an eye on the melting sugar. This mixture should be warm and ready when all the sugar has melted.

Step 5

Remove the sugar immediately from the fire once it has all melted. Carefully and slowly mix in the warm cream mixture. The sugar is extremely hot and will react violently with the cream mixture. It will bubble up and steam. Stir carefully until it has been combined. The “stroop” for your stroopwaffle is now complete! It will harden after it cools but will soften again when heated. It can be heated by microwave or “au bain marie

Assembling the stroopwaffles

Step 1

At first sight, the dough will not have changed while resting for an hour. Knead it again. It should become much smoother than before.

Step 2

Create golf-ball sized balls with the dough and place it in a preheated waffle iron. Close the waffle iron, but do not close the waffle iron completely and do not clamp it down. The waffle should be thin, but thick enough to vertically cut in half. Bake for about 3 minutes. Check the first waffle regularly so you’ll know how long your waffle iron will take.

Step 3

Put the warm waffle on a flat surface and immediately cut it while it is still very hot. Use a clean dish towel to be able to hold the waffle in place. You might think:” is it really necessary to cut a thicker waffle in two thinner waffles? Can’t I close the waffle iron completely to have two thin waffles to use without the cutting business?” I’m here to inform you that yes, it is really necessary. The texture will be completely wrong without this step. And it is not as hard as it seems. Just be very careful with the knife.

Step 4

Put about half a tablespoon of the warm “stroop” (syrup) on one halfs of your waffle. Put the waffle back together and press the stroop (syrup) between the waffles. Congratulations, you have now completed your stroopwaffle.

PS: If you insist on making them perfectly round, you can use a cookie cutter or a glass to cut the waffle immediately after it comes out of the waffle iron. The remaining crumbs are very good as an ice cream topper.

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