Waffles on the Market

Written by Aurora


Published on July 26, 2020

Waffles day on the market

It’s 6 in the morning on a Saturday. Waffles gets up, he is as energetic as always even though it’s still so early. That’s because he works his waffle stand on the local market in his hometown on Saturdays. He walks to the bathroom to brush his teeth and as he stares into the mirror he notices something sticking in his mane, it’s the waffle he lost last night before going to bed! He tries to pull it out of his mane but quickly discovers the syrup has gotten the waffle very stuck in his hair. “It’ll come off with lots of soap and water” he mumbles as he continues to brush his teeth while he uses his magic to get a bottle of “SuperShampoo” from his bathroom cabinet. He spits the toothpaste into the sink and gargles some water to get the remaining paste out of his mouth before turning on the shower and emptying the bottle of SuperShampoo into his mane, not realising that may be a little too much of the stuff. He succeeds in getting the syrup remainders out of his mane but at the same time, he accidentally creates a foam party in his bathroom. “Whooops! Silly me!” he exclaims as he takes notice of the chaos he created in his bathroom. “I’ll clean this up when I get back, I’ll be late if I do it now” he mumbles to himself while he dries off his coat and mane before leaving his house. Once outside he straps the belts of his mobile market stall around his waist before he starts trotting happily toward the market.

Arrived at the market he starts to get his stall ready for his favourite activity of the week, selling freshly baked waffles to hungry ponies. He starts preparing his waffle dough and heats up his grill while the first hungry ponies stroll onto the market. They quickly manage to find his stall and order a few fresh stroopwafels. Waffles loves it when ponies order fresh stroopwafels, he loves to make it a bit of a show when he prepares the stroopwafels for them. Spreading the stroop on the waffles in a beautiful swirl, using his magic. He gives the fresh stroopwafels to the ponies at his stalls after they’ve paid him a few bits for it. The day goes on and Waffles manages to sell many of his famous stroopwafels to lots of ponies.

When the market is over Waffles starts packing his stuff and folds his stall back into a wagon. Straps himself in front of it and starts to trot back home. Once home he parks the stall behind his house, removes the strap and walks back into his house where he finds the mess he left behind this morning... 

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