Art Contest: Win a free Ticket

Art Contest: Win a free Ticket

Calling all artists! Are you ready to showcase your skills and creativity? Join the PonyCon Holland art contest and win a standard weekend ticket! Wether you are a painter, sculptor or digital artist, we want to see your work! Rules: Create an art piece involving any...
Musician Announcement: MC-Arch

Musician Announcement: MC-Arch

New Character Unlocked: MC-Arch Skills: Dropping the mic Unpredictable rhyme scheme Weaknesses: Fluttershy Mossels   We could't get K.K. Slider, but we got someone better! Coming all the way from the Netherlands, We gladly present to you, MC-Arch! The...
Musician Announcement: PrinceWhateverer

Musician Announcement: PrinceWhateverer

New Character Unlocked: PrinceWhateverer * Skills: Creating banger horse tracks Angering foreign brony communities Weaknesses: Being bullied online Our next guest does not need an introduction! (but here is one anyway) We gladly welcome back Equestria's most famous...
Musician Announcement: Blackened Blue

Musician Announcement: Blackened Blue

New Character Unlocked: Blackened Blue Special skills: screaming at microphones playing the guitar Weaknesses: Korn (when it's on the cob) The king of pony metal returns to the PonyCon Holland yet again! Make sure you don't miss his S tier tunes during the music...