Meet waffles

Written by Stroopwafeltje


Published on April 17, 2020

Hi! I'm Stroopwafeltje!

Hi everypony! 

My name is Stroopwafeltje, but you can call me: Waffles! I’m the official mascot for PonyCon Holland, and I’d like to tell you a few things about myself! But where to start? 

Ahh, yes I know! Stroopwafels! Did you know I absolutely love those yummy cookies? You probably do, I mean, it’s my name and cutiemark after all. Oh! I actually got my cutiemark at a stroopwafel-eating-contest, I ate more than 30 of them in ten minutes! Man, I wish I could do that every day. 

Enough about stroopwafels for now tho. Let’s talk about how I became a member of the PonyCon Holland team! Soooo, about half a year ago I joined the BroniesNL team and I still don’t know why, but they asked me to become their mascot. Obviously I couldn’t say ‘no’ to that! When their 25th grand meetup kicked off, they introduced me to the rest of the community. And I don’t know how or why, but they adored me! Probably because there’s a cookie on my butt!

Oh! I love a good party and enjoy hanging out with my friends. Hmmm, what else is there to say about myself? Maybe some of the general strengths and weaknesses stuff? I guess I’ll go with that! My strengths are that I’m always cheerful and positive. And, uhm, uuh, I’m also quite a talkative little pony? Though that can also be a weakness at times. I’m easily distracted and I don’t always listen to other ponies as well as I should. But I guess, nopony’s perfect!

I’m hyped to get to know each and every one of you at PonyCon Holland 2021. In the meantime, I’ll keep writing posts every once in a while! So you all can be as excited about PCH as I am!

By the way! Make sure you stay tuned, I’m not allowed to say anything yet. But…some pretty big announcements about the event will be made pretty soonish. I’m sooooo excited for the convention! But waiting for 2021 is gonna take such a long time…

See ya!

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