Kingsday, the biggest party of the Netherlands

Waffles on Kingsday

Written by Aurora


Published on April 26, 2020

Kingsday, the biggest party of the Netherlands

Waffles cleaned out the attic and sorted out the old things he wanted to sell at the Kingsday flea market before we had the chance to tell him it got cancelled this year. Seeing how excited he is we can't seem to find the heart to tell the poor guy he has to stay home this year.

Kingsday didn’t get cancelled entirely, most dutchies still get a day off from work. There will still be many treats that we all love, but now with orange frostings, like the tompoes, the roomsoes and many more.

Orange Tompoezen
Orange roomsoes

In a normal situation, we would all go onto the streets and have a nationwide party while wearing the most ridiculous orange coloured clothes and props we can find laying around somewhere in the attic. Children clear out the attic and take whatever their parents don’t care about anymore and lay it out on a blanket on the streets of the city centre where they sit all day in the often unpredictable weather of April to go home at the end of the day with a profit from twenty to one hundred euros (I’ve personally never made more than €30). 

The flea market
A festival on Kingsday

At the same time, many people are attending Kingsdays festivals over the country where they start drinking around noon whilst yelling along with well known Dutch songs. And as noon turns into eve most of those people will be absolutely hammered, producing a tonne of, often hilarious, drunk stories.

This year, however, with corona forcing us to stay home as much as possible we will have to make do with Kingsday just being a day off on which we’ve been asked to sing the national anthem from an opened window at a certain time.


P.S. How many different fandoms can you spot in the photo of Waffles with all his wares?

P.P.S. Check out this video to learn more about Kingsday

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